Tuesday 13 January 2015

Etude House Line Remover Stick Review

I am a big fan of wearing black eyeliner and although I have been using eyeliner for many years now, I still make mistakes when applying my eyeliner, and because I don't like the way it looks, I get very frustrated. Whilst browsing on ebay make-up stores, I discovered this line remover stick and it sounded like it would be very useful and would save me time in removing a lot of my eye make-up whenever I go wrong. 

I have had this product for perhaps half a year or so already and it has been very useful. I do not use it very often, as I do only use it when I am very unhappy with the way I have drawn by make-up but I have used it enough times to know how this product works and how effective it really is. 

Product Information
This make-up remover cream stick swiftly and precisely wipes away smudges, flaking, and other make-up mistakes. 

It is infused with Argan Oil, which even easily removes waterproof make-up.

Net Weight: 2ML / 0.07fl.oz

How to use
- Pull the pink cap off and twist the bottom of the stick
- Sweep the stick across the area/mistake you wish to erase
- Use tissue or a cotton pad carefully to remove the mistake and smudge 
- Clean the tip of the stick with a tissue and replace the cap firmly after use

What I think...
I would agree that this product does everything it is described to do, however it is not all that simple. I do think its very easy to use and helps with erasing make-up mistakes, however it does not work only by applying this stick to the area you wish to erase. As it is described, it is a creamy stick and after wiping the stick on the area you wish to remove make-up, the make-up and creamy, oily feeling from the stick stays on your face until you use a cotton pad/bud or tissue to remove the make-up. When doing this, you should be very careful and fold the cotton pad or tissue to avoid wiping too much make-up away, which you actually want to stay on. I would recommend using a tissue or cotton pad to remove the smudges and make-up mistake rather than your fingers, because it is a creamy and slightly oily so when you correct your make-up it does not slide off.

The make-up is erased easily because this stick is creamy and oily product, which helps melt the make-up thus makes it easy to wipe the mistakes away. Below are some example photos of how the product works.

Benefit They're Real! Push-Up Eyeliner
I have applied the line remover stick to the top of eyeline
I have now wiped away top part of the eyeliner away using my fingers due to easy access and as a simple example
As you can see the top part of the eyeliner has now been erased from my hand, showing how effective it is at erasing make-up. It really does work. However, I do understand this may not be the best example, as you cannot see how it would work with a full make-up on the eye, including eye shadow and a real drawn eyeline. 

Speaking of eyeshadow, as this stick will remove all the make-up it is applied to, the eyeshadow and foundation around that area will also be removed. I normally have to apply a little bit more eyeshadow if a lot has been removed and apply concealer to the area. 
P.S: I usually erase eyeliner wing mistakes.

Make-up on the stick after use
Make sure to clean the stick after use. This will make it easier to remove after use and you will not have to clean the next time you wish to use the stick. You can clean the end of the stick simply by wiping it with tissue. It only takes a few seconds to clean.

I have been using this stick for a while now and I did have some problems at the beginning and lost quite a bit of product. As of now, this is how much product I have left. I would say there should be another 3cm of product when new. 

Make sure not to press the stick too hard when trying to erase your make-up as it can easily break and what happened to me is that the stick broke and I lost some of the product. The same goes for when cleaning the tip of the stick. 

As for the packaging, I no longer have the box that the stick came in, however I can say that, like all Etude House products, the packaging is pretty and cute. It is very girly, with a lot of pink, light blue and white on their packaging. 

  • Removes make-up effectively
  • Easy application
  • Easy maintenance
  • Travel friendly
  • Affordable
  • Several steps to follow
  • Can smudge more make-up than necessary 

Although using this remover stick does require more work and more application of the same steps again after use, but it would be the same if you were to use another other method in removing them mistakes. Whereas, this remover stick can aim mistakes well and depending on how much pressure and times you swipe the stick, you can to an extent control how much smudging would happen when using this remover stick. After wiping the make-up you wish to erase with a cotton pad or tissue, you can immediately go back to applying make-up, which is what I love. It's very easy and quick to erase and get back onto track with your make-up application. Same goes for the maintenance of the remover stick. 

I would recommend this to someone who often makes mistakes with their eyeliner, perhaps a eyeline/make-up beginner, and does not want hassle when in removing the eyeliner. This remover stick certainly does not require you to reapply all the make-up from your eye and start all over, which is what I would expect from an average eye make-up remover, as the liquid would touch other parts of the eye, making it easier to remove all the make-up from the eye rather than just the mistake. 

My Rating: 3.5/5

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