Tuesday 4 November 2014

October Favourites

It looks like I don't have much that's new to talk about, especially two were mentioned in my most recent reviews, but these favourites are nevertheless products that I really have been loving this month and I can see myself using these products continuously through the next month and next. 

October Favourites includes
Make Up For Ever HD Foundation
Make Up For Ever HD 
The Body Shop Blackhead Tool
Marc Jacobs Lola Perfume

Make Up For Ever HD Foundation

As I mentioned in my review post for this foundation, I knew this would definitely make it to my monthly favourites. I really have not stopped using this foundation since I first started using it. I just love everything about this foundation. The coverage is great, it covers everything on my face really well and how I want it to, as well as helping brighten up my skin tone. I feel so much more confident with this foundation on. This foundation has great texture and consistency, making it very easy to apply and blend, perfect for quick application, which is what we all want in the mornings when preparing to go to work.I do get a little oily, but with the powder really helps.

I am worried that I love this foundation too much and using it too much that nothing else would compare to this when and if I switch to another foundation. I should try using another foundation on days I'm not working and meeting too many people.

Make Up For Ever HD Powder

Moving onto the powder, the powder really helps control and matify the oil on my face a lot. A lot of people say really good things about the Soap & Glory One Heck of a Blot, but I didn't really have a great review on the product. Whereas, the MUFE powder really does give me great results and does what its supposed to do. It does not make me look cakey at all, which has happen with every other powder I have tried, and even after using it 2-3 more times in the day. It really matifies my skin and does so pretty quickly too. As its a transparent powder, its a powder suitable for everyone, which I love because I sometimes have trouble finding the right shade, especially due to the fact that I usually apply make-up lighter than my original skin tone and oxidising problems.

I have recently started using a brush, instead of a sponge, for this and as you can notice from the photo the pact has started getting messy due to the brush being swept into the powder, rather than a sponge being patted into the powder. This is the only thing that I have been disappointed with, but I would not blame the product, but myself for not being more careful, if I could.

The Body Shop Blackhead Tool

I decided to get a tool to help with my whiteheads and blackheads as I was low on blackhead extractor/cotton buds, and I was not sent any with my second purchase, so I got this. The Body Shop were also holding discounts at the time, so it was great timing on my behalf. I use with with my Ciracle Blackhead Off Sheet instead of using the cotton buds with the extractor on the other end, that came with my first purchase, I used this extractor instead. I noticed the difference immediately. This extractor helps remove all the whiteheads so quickly and easily. Although, it does take time to remove all the whiteheads but you can see the results of the extractor tool immediately. It may sound gross, but I always get fascinated by what I pull or extract from my nose.

As mentioned, it does take some time and I continue using the extractor after rinsing it once and even the nose, because it still extracts more whiteheads even after doing so. After using the Ciracle Blackhead Off Sheet and this extractor tool, my nose looks whitehead free and looks and feels much smoother, so I am happy I got this tool. It's something I have considered buying for a very long time, but never got around to buying until recently, and now I regret not buying it earlier, knowing how well it works. But then again, I think it works well as a combination with the Ciracle Blackhead off Sheet.

Marc Jacobs Lola 

Since working, I've been applying perfume every day. Knowing that I will be out for the whole day, which may involve at least a little labour work or running around, I want to spray some perfume to help me smell nice throughout the day. A perfume that I habe been using a lot is the Marc Jacobs Lola perfume. It's great because it doesn't have a over-powdering scent, great for casual wear.

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